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Three important questions to ask a newborn photographer before booking your session.

Here are 3 most important questions you need to ask when talking to a newborn photographer before booking your session.

* Do you have a prep-guide to send me?

It's really essential for every newborn photographer to have a prep-guide ready to answer all their question and even the ones that they might forget to ask.

For example in my prep-guide I have explained all they need to have or do before the session and even what to wear or what to have with them for the session.

*Do you have any training in how to pose and handle the newborn safely during the session?

It's extremely important for a newborn photographer to be well-educated and experienced in posing and handling baby, that's why I always invest in learning more about safety and tips of handling and posing newborns.

*What do I need to bring to the session? and how your studio is well-equipped for a newborn?

In this way, you can easily figure out about how professional your newborn photographer and her studio is.

If you have any other questions that looks like to be important to ask a photographer feel free to leave in the comments.

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