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Newborn Babies: Capturing Adorable Photos

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

As a professional photographer specializing in newborns, I have the privilege of witnessing some of the most heartwarming and adorable moments between parents and their little ones. There is nothing quite like capturing the innocence and beauty of a newborn baby and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

For new parents, the first few weeks with their little one can be a blur of sleepless nights and constant feedings. But you may not believe how easy it is to forget these precious moments pass by. That's why capturing newborn photos is so important. It's a way to freeze time and capture the beauty and love of those early days.

As a photographer, my goal is to create a relaxed, comfortable environment that allows the baby to be the star of the show. I take my time and follow the baby's lead, capturing natural moments and expressions that are both authentic and beautiful.

When it comes to newborn photography, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First and foremost, safety is always the top priority. I take great care in ensuring that the baby is comfortable and secure throughout the session. This may mean using props, blankets, or wraps to help create a cozy, secure environment.

Another important aspect of newborn photography is timing. The best time to capture those sweet, sleepy newborn photos is within the first two weeks of life. During this time, babies tend to be sleepier and more cooperative, making it easier to capture those adorable shots. However, every baby is unique, and I am happy to work with babies of all ages.

When it comes to props and outfits, less is often more. I prefer to keep things simple and timeless, focusing on the baby's natural beauty and expressions. Neutral colours, soft fabrics, and natural textures can create a timeless, classic look that will stand the test of time.

Newborn photography is all about capturing the beauty, love, and joy of those first few weeks with your little one. It's about creating memories that you will treasure for a lifetime. If you're expecting a new arrival or have recently welcomed a little one into your life, I encourage you to consider capturing those precious moments through newborn photography.

10 Tips for parents for a great newborn photo shoot.

the Best Studio Newborn and kids Photos in Cambridge

Newborn photography is amazing and capturing the first precious moments of your babies life is so important. I’ve prepared some helpful tips/suggestions that can help things go smoothly.

  1. Book your session ahead of time - Do your best to research and book with an experienced, professional newborn photographer while you are still pregnant. This way you will avoid the possibility of the photographer being fully booked. Also, the last thing you’ll probably feel like doing with a brand new baby is trying to find a newborn photographer. Look for someone experienced, with a portfolio you love, who takes newborn safety seriously, who you can communicate well with, and who offers exceptional customer service.

  2. Schedule within the first 2 weeks of birth - If possible, schedule your newborn photo session within the first 2 weeks of birth. This is when your baby will be the most sleepy and easiest to work with. Also, this is when babies are the most flexible and easy to curl up into those adorable newborn poses. Newborn photography is definitely possible when the baby is older but it can be a lot more challenging.

  3. Circumcision - If you are planning to have your baby boy circumcised please schedule it after the photo session. If this is not possible allow 4-5 days between the circumcision and newborn photos. The area can be red, swollen, and uncomfortable for the baby immediately after and does not make for a relaxed baby when trying to pose him on his tummy or without a diaper.

  4. Feeding - Your photographer will generally have recommendations for the best feeding schedule for your newborn photo session. Generally, a full baby is a sleepy baby which is what we are hoping for for newborn photos. Breastfeeding- avoid spicy food and caffeine for 24 hours before your session. This cuts down on tummy troubles caused by gas. You’ll generally be asked to feed the baby immediately before the session and top up the baby as needed during the session Bottle Feeding-Feed the baby prior to the session and bring at least one extra bottle of formula to the session.

  5. Clothing - Dress your baby in an outfit that doesn’t go over the head (choose a button down or zippered onesie instead). This makes it less likely to upset and wake up the baby when he/she arrives at the studio and is being undressed for the photos.

  6. Loose diaper - If you want some naked pictures of the baby, change their diaper before leaving the house and then put a new diaper on loosely. This will prevent red marks on their skin. If the baby will be clothed or wearing a diaper cover this tip can be disregarded.

  7. Soother - If your baby takes a soother please bring it. This helps settle the baby during posing. Even if your baby doesn’t normally take a soother consider bringing/using one just for the session.

  8. Siblings - Newborn photography generally requires a lot of time. Most photographers take anywhere from 2-4 hours for the session. This is usually way too long for siblings to sit though. Most photographers will advise doing the family portion of the session at the end of the photo shoot and ask daddy and kids be at the studio 30 minutes before the end of the session. Also, be realistic about what your toddler can handle. If they are having trouble adjusting to the new baby you may not get the “picture perfect” image that you dreamed of. With patience (and possibly some bribes) you will still get a lovely picture documenting this moment.

  9. Parents Wardrobe - Your photographer will likely have suggestions on what to wear depending on their style. In general, choose neutral plain colored shirts without logos. The photographer will have the room warm as this is best for photographing babies so you may want to dress in layers or bring something cool to change into once the family photography portion is finished.

  10. Allow Extra Time and Relax - Don’t book anything after your newborn photography session. If the baby is a bit fussy you may need to stay longer than expected. Try your best to relax. Even if your baby is not “cooperating” try to stay calm as babies are incredibly tuned into their parents emotions. Your photographer will have many techniques to calm fussy babies such as white noise, heat, wrapping/swaddling and will be able to take amazing pictures. If all else fails, and your photographer is not able to obtain a full gallery of images, you may be asked to return another day. Babies can have bad days just like us!

Hope these tips help! Interested in booking a newborn session? I'd love to chat to help you book a session or answer any questions. Contact me!

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